Monday, January 27, 2014


We see so many people every day about whom we know nothing.  Most are just like us, just trying to get by, often treading water.  Unless you are a little strange, as I am, you seldom wonder what their personal lives are like.  When couples go by, do you wonder if they are happy, deeply in love or just "used to each other"?  Most look like they don't even belong together, but once in awhile, the perfect match goes by.

Last Saturday, I witnessed what had to be the most perfect joining of two people in matrimony that you could hope for.  Sometimes you can "see" love and at other times you can "feel" it but rarely do all your senses absorb perfect love.  Trish and Vicente were the Valentine you see with a giant red heart as the background for two lovers.

Sometimes the reality and harshness of life dulls the emotions and we have to remind ourselves of this moment of perfect joy.  The words we utter and the heartfelt promises we make are forgotten and overshadowed by what are, in the end, unimportant.  It's not enough to say "I love you" now and then, or sometimes never again.  Love can be expressed in many ways, but if the words are not spoken, doubts can creep in.  Most men are familiar with the question from their wives, "Do you really love me?"

So, my only advice to these lovebirds is to make sure that not ONE day ever goes by without expressing your love for the other with the words, "I love you!".

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