Saturday, March 24, 2018


Almost every schoolboy and girl knows we have a government consisting of three branches of government and each is co-equal...... in theory. Somehow, the supposition was that those in government would act in the best interests of our country. How wrong could they have been? Party and personal power are paramount as motivators.

I really believe that most who enter politics have a sincere desire to serve the people honestly but when they collide with the SYSTEM, everything changes. Personal and political success are dependent upon surrendering your independence to the party bosses (I won't call them "leaders").  It is impossible to get rid of parties or organizations which fund candidates, so what are we to do?

Although the Court has ruled that money is "speech" in politics, it does place certain limitations on it. If it is "speech", and money wins elections in most cases, then elections turn into a commodity which is for sale and not "the voice of the people". This is an evil which corrupts and destroys a free society.  We have to construct a system in which every qualified candidate has an equal and reasonable chance to compete.

Sunday, January 21, 2018


We hear a lot of talk about who is "compassionate" and who is not. Compassion is a personal thing. You cannot compel anyone else to be compassionate. "Compassion" also comes in different guises and the one which leads the pack is fake compassion. Unless you, like Mother Teresa, are personally engaged and endure some personal sacrifice, it is not compassion, it is sanitized compassion. Don't get your hands dirty, just advocate for programs someone else will pay for.

Would you open your house, no questions asked, to a homeless person or family? Even if you would, would you allow them to invite their extended family to join them? . If you could not pay for your children's college education, would you be willing to pay it for a stranger? These questions are personal, you have to participate, When you join those who clamor for "compassion" but do not have it on a personal level themselves, it is, again, sanitized compassion.

Until we are able to take care of our own, which is the purpose of a society, compassion does not require us to act compassionately for the benefit others, BUT, if you want to, nothing is stopping you.

Friday, January 5, 2018


There are too many people living alone because they lost a spouse and believe it would be disloyal to their deceased partner to find a new one. Sometimes, it is because they mistakenly believe that of the billions of people on Earth, only ONE was meant for them. That cannot be true.

If one chooses to be alone, that's OK but otherwise new friendships help two people who would otherwise be lonely. Divorced people are almost always expected to find a new partner but if a widow or widower does the same thing, it is scandalous. Why?

I have been fortunate enough to have two chances at love. My wife of 66 years was someone special in so many ways. That person could not be duplicated but there were others out there somewhere who, with their own attributes could also be loved. Different people, same love. I found one, rather we found each other, and for too short a time we were in love and happy.

I will always be grateful for the time we had together. Rest in peace, Pauline.

Saturday, December 2, 2017


The word "freedom" can often be misinterpreted. There are many here and abroad who don't understand that freedom comes with some difficult responsibilities. The most obvious is the most  overlooked, personal responsibility for your wellbeing. If you want to be free, you have to take care of yourself and your family BY yourself. If you do not or cannot, you cannot be free.

Sometimes, in pursuit of freedom, we find we have to give away some to keep the rest. If you work for someone else to provide for yourself and family, you have to surrender a portion of your freedom and subject yourself to your employer's requirements. If you find the requirements to be tolerable, you pay for your job with some of your freedom. This quid pro quo is usually acceptable.

If, for a legitimate reason, someone cannot become self sufficient, there are government, private and religious assistance programs. The last two are relatively obligation free but the first, though subtle. develops a kind of loyalty to the  provider, the  government, a dependency, a desire to preserve the status quo. A vote.

When government asks you to surrender some of your freedoms and cites "national security" or some other high sounding purpose, beware!! Since 9/11, we have allowed government to spy on us, our Congress, Supreme Court Justices and anyone else they choose to without a warrant. Since many of us are not without sin, this enables government officials in the loop to obtain information about us which we would not like to see published. Think General Petraeus and other Generals, Congressional and Supreme Court member's votes, DOJ (COMEY) and anyone else you can imagine.
Even though sometimes it seems to make sense to surrender our privacy rights, it should not be done with the assumption that only honest people will have access. However, to minimize the chances that some may risk a penalty if caught, it should be mandatory death penalty. Our rights are more precious than any individual. In a country which rewards, instead of punishing, a deserter whose actions were directly responsible for other service members deaths, we cannot be too certain that others of his ilk will not escape punishment.

Friday, August 25, 2017


God, as I look around, generally I'd say, "You done good".

I like babies the best, some of them even after they have grown up.
I like that you made the sky blue, the grass green and that you made so many beautiful differently colored flowers and majestic trees, big and small
I like that you made people who would become special to me and invent things
that amuse and help me.
I like that you gave me life and explained how I should use it, but you knew from the start I was not perfect
I hate that because of me and others you chose to sacrifice your Son for us to cleanse our souls of sin so we can enter your Heavenly Kingdom
I know that even though I am not perfect that there is a path to Heaven
I know and like that as all fathers want their children close, so do You.

Saturday, February 25, 2017


She's here, she's there

She is everywhere

The spirit of love

Shines from above


I can say with expert authority that, with few exceptions, no matter the issue, "experts" can be found to support two or more positions.  Think about it. This reality is the evidence which proves that any layman's opinion stands a reasonable chance of being correct. In the case of Donald Trump's election, millions of laymen were more correct than thousands of political experts.

"Experts" all have agenda's to promote their opinions, right or wrong. Intelligent people who look at the same facts should come to the same conclusion. When they don't we have to ask why not. There are several distinct possibilities, either they are not as smart as  they think they  are or they are using or interpreting the same facts differently or using different facts.

When an "expert" offers an opinion without citing the underlying facts and his/her interpretation, we cannot accept it as having any more weight than a layman's opinion.

Thursday, January 26, 2017


We each have different views on the "purpose" of life. Because we do, I assume we believe that there MUST be a purpose. Does there have to be? Could it be there is NO "purpose"?

I believe there is but of all the possibilities, one must be the primary purpose and the others just add ons.  If you had created the Universe and the  humans who inhabit a small part of it, would you want the originals to live forever in limited numbers, allow them to age and die then repeat the creation or would you devise a mechanism which would allow automatic, continual renewal of human life? I believe the primary purpose is the renewal of life to keep the planet populated.

To ensure that the existing humans would do the re-creating of life, the method would have to be compelling and pleasurable and because new lives would be dependent for some period of time, the caring for the new life would have to be rewarded by being a loving, pleasurable experience which brings joy and happiness to the care givers. This, I believe is the primary purpose of life. Procreation, and the happiness it brings, for normal people, is the fulfillment of that purpose.


Protesting, in the sense of large assemblies of people, is an effective way of bringing attention to a cause. Whether or not it changes minds is questionable. Although I'm certain most protesters don't see it this way, that tactic is intended to intimidate. Most people do not like being challenged in this way and resist just out of resentment. Unless there is actual violence, as there was in Baltimore, not much changes because of these demonstrations.

Persuasion is more difficult but in the long run more successful.  If you do not change the hearts and minds of your opponents and/or gain the attention of the disinterested, all the protesting in the world will have little effect. Persuasion is presenting both sides of an issue, not just yours, and giving reasons to reject one and support yours. This, itself, is easy to do. The hard part is getting people to listen. Generally, if an event is scheduled to inform, only the choir shows up.  Getting the uninformed, disinterested, disenchanted and ignorant people's attention is almost impossible.



It is said that we each are here for a purpose, a reason

I don't know if I fulfilled mine and this is my final season

Whether my being here has made a difference in any way

Is a question whose answer is for others.who knew me, to say

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


This phenomenon is misnamed. A placebo, if you don't already know, is an inert substance given to patients in testing the effects of a real drug vs. the placebo. I don't know if they include this but there should also be a group who are given NOTHING at all. The true name should be "THE PLACEBO AFFECT".

This is as far as I got when I began writing this blog and when I came back to it, I had a completely different story line to follow.  Words, as well as substances, can also become "placebos".  The recent Democrat Convention ( all the not so smart media insisted on calling it the "DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION", which is incorrect, ask Bernie."} was a perfect example of this. The method is to tell the same lies about how rosy things are to see if it makes the people feel better. It works on millions proving that word placeboes work well when there are so many uninformed people.

In contrast, when the truth is given words, because it hurts, it fails to attract people.  When we consider the long list of dangerous side effects of many drugs which are enumerated with a joyful voice, implying that they are inconsequential, we see the smiles return on the faces of the believers and sounds of running feet for those who appreciated the truth.

With drugs and politics, the truth hurts.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


If you were one of the few people who watched the Democrat Convention last night, you heard the testimony of the speakers detailing what is wrong which they want to fix.  It was a litany of the failures of the past eight years. Guess who has been running the show.  If you watch any more of this, keep a puke bucket handy.

Trump is not exactly a charmer but he is the kind of guy who can get things done. His successes did not come just from his own talents but his ability to choose executives who he knew could do things successfully, those he interviewed but did NOT "FIRE". The contrast between Obama and Trump lies in Obama's refusal to listen to his advisors because "HE ALWAYS KNOWS BETTER". No one person, on his own, will ever be able to govern this, or any other, nation.  Those who can assemble a group of people whose advice they respect, is a true leader.

When Donald Trump becomes POTUS, he will unleash a tidal wave of business activity which will bring millions of people back into the taxpayer category, increasing government revenue and decreasing the costs of the dependency category.

When this happens, I will try my best to not say "I told you so."


Tuesday, May 3, 2016


A dry cow gives no milk no matter how hard you try

It gives no milk because, you see, as I said, it is DRY

When our government milks an already dry economy

All it can get is a lot of poor citizens living I poverty

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


In the United States, for every elected office, there are specific eligibility requirements which must be met before a candidate can be certified to be placed on the ballot. The authorizing agency has the responsibility to verify that all are met before certifying that eligibility. For example, the number of legal signatures required on a petition are counted. If a lower number is submitted, the petition is rejected. The candidate can't simply say he has met the condition which could clearly lead to deception and fraud. It is no different from accepting the claim for any other condition. Without proper verification for EVERY other condition, fraud is possible. The controversy over Obama's eligibility of his claim to being a natural born American citizen indicates that none of the certifying agencies ever saw a proper birth certificate or the dispute would never have been raised.

The same is true for those who vote. The citizenship requirement to vote in national elections demands that citizenship must be verified or, in the same way, deception and fraud have an open door to contaminating the voting system. Objection to such a system of verification invites non-citizens to commit a crime. In a sense, making a criminal act easier to accomplish is "aiding and abetting". Those who really believe in free and honest elections are at a disadvantage because their votes could be nullified by dishonest voters. The integrity of elections would forever be in question. Verification would restore  confidence in an institution which is the basis for peoples' willingness to let representatives of the people make decisions which affect every aspect of their lives. One of the many reasons Americans oppose illegal immigration is that those who promote it are seen as encouraging it as a method for obtaining illegal votes, something only tyrants would promote. This notion is reinforced when ID's for voters are fiercely opposed by the same people who encourage illegal immigration.

Trust but verify could solve several problems at the same time.


Tuesday, February 23, 2016


I am certain that the founders had anticipated all the ways they believed a tyrant could subvert the Constitution.  They believed that by having the Senate approve of cabinet members who the President nominated, the Cabinet would not be stacked against the people and their rights.  We have seen in the past, several times when a President was able to stack the Court AND the Justice Department with willing accomplices, a condition which threatens the foundation of any free nation.

At this time, with the death of Justice Scalia, a staunch defender of the Constitution, there is an opportunity for the anti-Constitution President to try to replace him with an anti-Constitution judge.  The Senate MUST resist and prevent this imbalance to take place. Another Liberal, anti-Constitution Judge on the Court would be the death knell of freedom. A string of unconstitutional precedents, which are difficult to reverse, would become the law of the land.

As with any danger, whether our health or our freedom, PREVENTION trumps treatment every time.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


In the past, we have elected a largely DEAF Congress. What if we should elect an also DUMB, in the sense of not being able to speak, Congress? Imagine the peace we would all enjoy.

No more lies and double speak. No more long winded empty promises. No more material for misleading news accounts of Congressional activity. Sounds good to me. Instead of a "silent majority" among the people, a silent Congress. Oh, happy days.


Friday, February 5, 2016


I am a slob of sorts. When I leave my house, things are not what some describe as " neat", but I know what is where and how to find it. When my loving children, especially my girls, show up at my house and I am not present, they feel the urge to "straighten up". This presents several problems for me.

First, I can't remember doing it myself so I wonder if that is a blank spot in my memory. Logic tells me it must be that OR, the alternative, I had a visit from my angels. The visit is always welcomed EXCEPT when they are doing their good deed, stuff disappears, never to be seen again. How could they know a slob rearranges things differently? Often it is appropriate to hang your trousers from a dresser drawer, like if you are going to wear them the next day and if a glass you used, rinsed out and left on the counter, is there for reuse.

Then there is "bringing in the mail". This kindness sometimes results in bills not being paid on time. If I don't bring it in, I don't know I had any. Angels are always appreciated but I wish they would keep their devilish hands off the senior man's stuff. I know where everything is and belongs.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


When is right wrong and wrong right

When it's a struggle, an internal fight

And you can't decide which way to go

Follow your heart,  it will let you know

Friday, January 29, 2016


Oh, say can't you see by what is happening

In broad daylight, only fools are singing

While America burns and turns into ashes

Because of all those Washington Jackasses

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Two people adrift on the sea of loneliness

Hoping to find someone to restore happiness

Wanting and able to keep each other afloat

Find each other and become the other's lifeboat


There is a dilemma which almost demands a solution even before it arises. Many,MANY couples find themselves divorced or widow/widower. Whatever was the cause of the separation, the remaining spouse is usually left alone.  The dilemma and solution is different for death and divorce.

In divorce, however bitter, both spouses live on. They are expected to lead separate lives and have the freedom to build new lives without consulting anyone. Sometimes,children can complicate that but are often overruled.

The widow/widower is a different condition with many sensitivities involved. The survivor is expected, at least out of respect for the deceased, to grieve for a respectable period of time, even years before launching into a romantic, or even friendly relationship with the opposite gender.  This is an unfair burden because that is a lonely existence at a time when that person needs companionship while still grieving.  Sack cloth and ashes are NOT called for.

My suggestion is, no matter how old or young the couple is, let each other AND any children  know that once you are gone, a few months of mourning for the departed are adequate and then the surviving spouse has your blessing on any path the survivor wishes to build a new life. Without this declaration, the survivor is trapped in limbo between grieving, guilt, desires and appearances. This is not fair and makes the conditions more painful.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016


When people flip-flop on issues or opinions, is that good or bad? Actually, we cannot know unless we know the reasons for the flip-flop. If it is because they find it expedient, that is wrong and that person deserves criticism. If, on the other hand, the flip is due to new or unknown information, that person is to be admired.

Few of us enjoy admitting we are or have been wrong. The flipper who flips is admitting his error, taking responsibility for being wrong and apologizing if the flip was due to new information or was due to having been persuaded that his perspective had been flawed, that shows character.  The option to change your mind, under these circumstances, also shows intelligence. Those who stick with a flawed position, even in the face of new information, will not admit they had been wrong and are pig headed fools.

As always, the nature of an act depends upon the motive behind it. The road to Hell is NOT paved with good intentions.


It is amazing how many useless and unnecessary things we enjoy, which thrill us, can make us laugh and cry and scream with admiration. All the arts from painting to song and dance, other performing arts and even sports hold us spellbound and yet are activities, which if they never existed, would not have changed history.  What is this power they hold over us?

Our emotions are mysterious things. They are the doorway to a part of our being we can not define and yet we would not be "human" without them. They are appetites that need feeding, like the delicious desert after a bad meal or "day at the office".

The converse is those who feel the overwhelming need to do all these things. They would be incomplete without them. They work hard to perfect these skills to please others and they are fulfilled by the appreciation showed by their audiences. Two needs are satisfied by a single act.

Whatever the answer to this mystery may be, thank God for the "useless".

Monday, January 25, 2016


As the days go by one by one by one

You wonder why there's no more fun

She's been gone these last three years

Instead of fun, there are only tears

Sunday, January 24, 2016


Trapped in the house because of snow

Doesn't matter, I've no place to go

For something to do, I should complain

But it could be worse, could've been rain

Saturday, January 23, 2016


While someone pleasing to your eyes

May become someone you despise

Someone who is plain, simple but true

Could be a better choice for me and you



Inside each body we see, is a person divine

We see accidents of nature hung on a vine

When the vine blossoms and its fruit displays

Then we can know if the person deserves our praise.


Her friendship and love saved me from the living dead

It would have been kinder to leave me there instead

For a few short months I was alive, happy and well

When the truth was revealed, life became a living Hell

Thursday, January 21, 2016


Sometimes, a rear view mirror illuminates the past

Some "truths" are revealed to have been lies at last

Once discovered, the pain is impossible  to subdue

When a trusted friend has betrayed and deceived you

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


I just stepped out of the shower and, for those of you old enough to remember this old commercial about men's clothing, I can say with authority, after a certain age, "Clothing (really does) make the man".


Some words and expressions, for some reason, gain popularity and soon become clichés. I have recently become acquainted with one which is used by females who do not seem to appreciate its implications. I suppose they are implying they are exceptional but sounds almost like solicitation. 

"I am high maintenance" they proudly declare. Definition: You want me, you have to pay more. When you "pay" for companionship and/or affection, several definitions fit the transaction, none of which should make a "nice lady" proud. Implied in the statement is a guarantee that the product will be superior to that of low maintenance women who should be offended and outraged by this dubious claim.

It is my understanding that, like men, all women are created equal. My advice to men is to stick with the standard brands and to women, be careful what you say.

Monday, January 11, 2016


I awake from my sleep and open my eyes

I take my pulse to see if I am still alive

I am not certain if I am happy or sad

But after coffee and a cigar, I am always glad.

Friday, January 8, 2016


Life, in all its phases, presents good and bad incidents which are enjoyed or just endured. anticipating ahead of time that that's the way it will be will make the bad more acceptable and easier to endure. Unfortunately, many of today's youth have grown up being protected from every disappointment and hardship therefore not learning how to cope with them later in life.

This is visible in the " me and mine" attitude many express. It also extends into public policy in the form of "you should take care of everything for everybody". After all, they never had to do anything or take responsibility for themselves so why should they start now that they are "grown up"?

Formation of character begins from the moment a child is born. It is a hard job for loving parents to enforce discipline of any kind, especially since many times it is easy to fall into the "what difference does it make" category. The difference is that a lesson that should be learned is not learned but the process is stored forever.

What is my point? Today, and for the past 60 years or so, we, our government. has acted like the "loving parents" and coddled a large number of people who now don't know how to care for themselves. We tend to blame those people but the blame is on the enabler. When there is no choice, people finally figure out that THEY have to do it for themselves, Some, of course, truly can't. Those we have to care for but the others, after a period of suffering withdrawal pain, will survive and become better people. Later, they will be proud of their achievements and pass that lesson on to their babies.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Is eternity a straight line, a never ending circle or a frozen moment in what we call "time"? We can't imagine anything without a beginning and or an ending. When thought of in terms of "time" as we know it, it seems it should be a straight line with no beginning and no end. "Infinity" and "Eternity" are cousins which present the same conundrum. If these two conditions are accurately defined, then the logical conclusion must be that some non-material, infinite, pre-existing being or force is responsible for creating them and the Universe in which they exist was also caused by that same power. Quibbling over its name is not necessary to accept it. The reality WE know began at some "time" and since matter must have had an origin, that origin must have been caused by a preexisting, non-material force. It is something like the age old question, "Which came first, the chicken or the egg"?

The primary question would be why this non-material force, which had always existed in a non-material way, one day decided to create the universe and subsequently humans? Does it have emotions, was it lonely, did it need someone to love it, someone to shower its love upon?  If we are made in its likeness it could be only in those non-material ways man expresses its being, its soul.. We can never know the answer to those questions but we do know we are here for a reason.  Looking at the condition of the world today, I have to believe we have disappointed. We can only hope that if we fix it, that force will not go for a complete do over but just something like a Mulligan in golf, a small attitude adjustment, another chance.

If we are made in its "image" it can't be its physical image, being non-material itself, it has no shape or form, so what is left are the qualities our souls possess and express through our brains and bodies. Life, a state, not a being, being itself non-material and expressed through actions of our living bodies, is not part of the body but resides IN the body. When the "life" can no longer express itself through a non functioning body, it leaves its temporary home and returns to where it came from. We can't have a lot of homeless souls floating around scaring people.


Saturday, January 2, 2016


Although there are many other calendars, the so-called Western calendar is the one most used today. It was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, mostly to align and keep more constant certain Catholic events which varied in time on the old calendar. By some quirk, whether an oversight or by design, Jesus lived in a time which is in limbo. BC, before Christ, and AD, after His death, leaves a 33 year gap in time in which He lived.

I wonder how many atheists and Christian haters realized that when they celebrated New Years, they were celebrating based upon a Catholic concoction directly related to Jesus Christ and His life and death? If any of them see this, look forward to some kind of change in the calendar. These intolerant loonies will protest any minute detail which relates to something which is Christian and especially Catholic.

Saturday, December 26, 2015


No matter how hard I try to find

A way to get it out of my mind

It repeats itself like an old song

Especially the things I did wrong.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


It began as foretold more than two thousand years ago// A Holy Child was born whose Name we did not yet know// He grew up and taught us the way to redeem our soul// His teachings and sacrifice gave us a way to become whole.


Being a futuristic kind of guy, I have begun to wonder how robotic "people" will be viewed by humans and how the robots will view humans. What will the relationship be? Will the robots be slaves and humans their master or will robots be more intelligent than most humans and direct their every activity by selecting the best option. Will the robot's owner brag about how much smarter their robot is than the guy's down the street? Will there be discrimination among the robots themselves, some being sleeker than others? Whatever colors they are may lead to color discrimination with dire consequences. While the Congress has been idle, they should have been developing guidelines for qualifications, licensing, constitutional rights robots may enjoy and those kinds of issues, Should they be able to have weapons and should they be immune to drug laws? Serious stuff which will some day have to be done. If we don't act now, some day soon we may be faced with a revolution by robots demanding equal rights with humans.

Sunday, December 20, 2015


No matter how hard I try, "I can't get no satisfaction". With the mountain of stuff which has frustrated and angered me over the past seven years, I have tried every method I can think of to vent to regain my composure. None have worked. I have tried, in a calm reasoning way, to express my feelings about the events of the day and explain why I feel that way. Then, I have attacked, in the most vicious way, those I believe are responsible for my outrage. Sometimes, in anger, even employing some mild vulgarities. Because I cannot believe sane people could do the things I have been witnessing, I have even presented theories of conspiracies, blackmail, mental illness and others. Since I do not believe in using medications of any kind to calm me down, I have chosen the escape route of playing golf 3/5 days a week as a distraction and pretending to smack some villain or other with my golf club. At first this helped very little but then I discovered that if I played a little longer, I got better results. Eventually, I determined that 36 holes of golf each day was the perfect prescription. So, now I am blissful for about 6-7 hours a day and exhausted enough to sleep at night and forget the creeps who anger me.

Sunday, December 13, 2015


In a place where there is no golf, weather nor time

Everything must stand still, a frozen instant sublime

What does a soul do, I don't play a harp nor sing

Seems the best thing is stay here and do my thing.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Wouldn't it be nice if ISIS really were JV

We wouldn't have to be afraid, you and me

 Nice too if refugees wouldn't be terrorists

But if it turns out some are, I will be pissed

Friday, September 18, 2015


A few years ago, our foursome was playing golf at a local course. There was a group in front of us that was playing as though they were in the US Open, SLOW!! They had the whole course backed up.

As we made the turn to the tenth hole, we passed the starters booth and asked if he would do something about them. He hopped into a cart and drove up to the top of the hill to check them on the tenth fairway. He looked and came back and asked me, " John, let me ask you a hypothetical question.  If someone had just given you a $50 tip, would you go yell at them?"

This is the same thing we face with our politicians and our media. They all rely so heavily on special interest money and support that issues concerning them are resolved for their benefit and not ours or our country's.

One of the worst offenders, because they provide, in one way or another, huge sums of money and "gifts" toward campaigns and advertising that they can make anything happen that they want to. Right now, it is clear from the amount of law suits against drug companies that the FDA has approved many harmful drugs and the CDC and Organized Medicine use the bought "approval" to cover their butts..  There is apparently enough profit to pay all claims and have plenty left over.

The current push for universal, world wide, mandatory vaccinations for anything which has or will soon have vaccines is on the front burner and everyone is on the bandwagon for a piece of the pie.  The media and organized Medicine are on a blitz to force us all to be vaccinated for anything they can come up with. Few of them are brave enough to fight these ruthless, criminal vultures who profit from the mayhem. Just imagine, BILLIONS of people vaccinated for MULTIPLE diseases for large fees and you can see why they are so powerful.

Don't give up your right to say YES or NO to any or all of them. It's your body, and YOUR CHILDREN'S. Don't let ANYONE force you to accept them.


It's been said that "anticipation is often greater than realization"

But when a good thing happens without our expectation

It is "serendipity" and exceeds pleasures we have each day

A happy event we don't expect touches us in a magical way.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


"Youth" is wasted on the young"

'Tis a song which has long been sung

But if "youth" were given to the old

There'd be many more stories to be told.

Saturday, September 12, 2015


What does it mean to be "free"?  If you were the only person on Earth, you would be sublimely free.  There would be no one to answer to but at the same time, you alone would be responsible for your every need.  Not even Libertarians would like that. However, in a free society of people, the quality of freedom depends upon each and every person assuming as much personal responsibility as is reasonably possible.  The more dependent we become upon each other, the less free we become.  There are some things we need for which we must depend upon others, common necessities which no one can acquire alone. The product of these cooperative efforts benefit us all.

Are we our brothers keeper or his helper? If , as his "keeper", you give him food then as his "helper" you teach him to hunt.  If he WILL learn to hunt, he becomes more free: if he WILL NOT, he will starve but if he CANNOT, others become his "keeper".  Freedom cannot survive without the will to be free and the will to do as much for yourself as possible.  For each thing you not do for yourself, you surrender a portion of your freedom.

Freedom becomes more complex in a society, even more so in societies of mixed values and languages.  The more homogeneous the population is, the less conflict will arise because there will be fewer differences to satisfy and fewer controls on freedom to satisfy them.  What am I saying? In an established, homogeneous society, all who enter it from outside must be required to accept its laws and customs. They can continue to practice any lawful customs but not any which would be generally disruptive or illegal under that society's system.  As in our case in the USA, many have discovered that our kind of freedom can be used as a weapon against us by gaining judgements which benefit a few but harms the majority. A single person with a single incident can affect 0ver 300,000,000 people. This is stupid.  Any restraint placed upon freedom through a legal process must face a test of some kind which shows whether there is significant harm to a substantial part of the population. Minority rights must be protected but they should never be allowed to overcome or harm the freedom of the majority.

We do not force freedom upon anyone.  They must CHOOSE it. Once chosen, they must, if they wish to keep it, become as self sufficient as possible.  Those who will, will remain free but the others have no right to be free.

Saturday, September 5, 2015


When children are aborted and deprived of life, on a whim

It's like our dying in sin, we abort our eternal life with Him

Once given a life from the Creator of all that we can see

It is our duty to respect and preserve it, yes, you and me.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Regrets for things said and done are beyond repair

Even if you know now they were cruel or unfair

But those regrets for things left unsaid or undone

There is still time to do them but by you alone

Monday, August 17, 2015


Is it an unknown scent without a name

Or a touch or glance, which lights the flame

Is it luck, chance or a plan from above

Which changes friendship into love


When darkness covers the light which is your soul

And sucks you down into a deep, dark hole

An escape from the pit back into the light

 Comes only from believing He will help you fight

Wednesday, July 22, 2015


 Hillary's entire philosophy is summed up in these words and, unfortunately, too many Americans.

What difference does it make if we kill babies about to be born?
What difference does it make if we butcher them like cattle to harvest their parts for money?
What difference does it make if young girls and women get pregnant  and don't want their babies?
What difference does it make if politicians accept bribes in various forms for their votes?
What difference does it make if the President has oral sex in the oval office with a 19 year old intern?
 What difference does it make if a governor and his wife engage in insider trading?
What difference does it make that our service personnel are murdered because the are forbidden to carry weapons?
What difference does it make if our citizens are raped, robbed and murdered by illegal immigrants?
What difference does it make if four Americans were murdered in Benghazi?

I'm sure you get the idea. Vote for Hillary?

Saturday, July 18, 2015


 I keep writing about this hoping that after sixteen times maybe I'll have said it in different ways just right so that everyone understands what I'm saying. I'm not saying the reader is dumb but that I may not be saying it just right so everyone understands me.

Man is a living, intelligent, self directed and maintained machine. It moves by its own will and power to perform all external actions and contains intelligent centers which perform all vital internal functions which are necessary for survival without conscious intervention.  It can diagnose functional and physical problems and, within its ability, compensates for, corrects or eliminates the problem with an arsenal of defensive and offensive weaponry. It is made to be a free and independent organism.

When the body is overwhelmed by conditions which makes it ill, the question must be asked, is it a failure by the body to respond adequately or an external cause which overcomes the body's ability to neutralize it.?  If it is the latter, some external intervention may be needed but if the natural defenses of the body have been compromised, the cause or causes of the compromise should be identified and corrected. Often, it is a matter or improving nutrition and life styles but even more frequently, it is a failure of the two way communication between the body and brain, nerve transmission.

If the control centers get inaccurate messages, the response will be inaccurate. If they get accurate information but the response is distorted in some way, the reaction will be inadequate and maybe harmful in itself. In this case, restoring normal two way communication would solve the problem. 

Acute conditions can have immediate, proximal causes or be the end result of long standing, chronic irritations. Those which are immediate are easier to correct because the secondary harm has not had time to develop. Those which have developed from chronic conditions take longer to correct because secondary harm has been done. In many, if not most, cases, the cause is found at the point where spinal nerves exit the bony spinal column where actual physical irritation of nerves, "pinched nerves", can distort signals, even in the absence of pain.  These irritated nerves can be incoming, outgoing or both. How can this be corrected?

The nerve irritation can be caused by deformities, distortion or degrees of herniation of the cushion between the spinal bones, and, most commonly, misalignment of the bones of the spine which alters the size and shape of the space through which the nerves exit from the spinal cord. Even in cases of certain types of disc bulging or herniation, which can be seen along with the misaligned spinal bones, correction is achieved by manually adjusting and realigning the spinal bones, which restores the normal size and shape of the nerve exit, relieving the nerves of mechanical irritation and restoring normal transmission.

Problem solved.

Monday, July 13, 2015


Many  countries have had their moment of glory

It is the evolving of history of the human story

When their leaders change from leader to master

Without exception, greatness has turned to disaster.

Thursday, July 9, 2015


So, something offends you but it pleases me

Whose right comes first in a country that's free

Is it the one who threatens violence to win the fight

Or the one who agrees each should share the right

Sunday, July 5, 2015


It doesn't require much thought, intelligence or analysis to appreciate that most of our laws, with the exception of some recent "social" regulations and laws, parallel many of the admonishments of the Ten Commandments. Neither does it require much imagination to recognize that the common sense behind them could, if they had not come directly from God through Moses, have been conclusions ordinary men would have conceived.

If our laws say it is a crime to murder others, steal from them, spread nasty rumors about them and we consider it bad behavior to seduce anothers spouse or disrespect our parents, should we rescind all these because they are a reflection of the Commandments.  Is that institutionalizing Christianity? Are you offended by them?

My observation is that those who oppose Christian principles are primarily a population which wants to indulge in many of these forbidden behaviors without judgement or GUILT. They gleefully rejoice when Christians, especially prominent ones, fall from grace when they violate these principles and use this excuse to justify their behavior.  The flaw in their celebration is that Christianity is about forgiveness and the truly repentant can receive forgiveness if they ask for it.  In other words, Christianity IS for sinners, not Saints. It simply shows us a path to sainthood.

Anyone who rejects the concept of a Creator and a Christian way of life has no reason to abandon their animal instincts and that appears to be the goal.  Anything goes. Man made ethics cannot replace morals.  If you don't believe that, just remember even criminals and politicians have an ethical code.

Friday, July 3, 2015


The Supreme Court is the one above all others and represents an ultimate authority. Nothing can refute it. Such a total authority must be grounded in something which we all agree upon and, if it consists of men and women, be occupied by those of impeccable credentials and incorruptible. Are there such people? Are there such principles?

When man makes the rules and laws, there is a wide variety of opinion about what is right and wrong, good and evil, acceptable and not. How, no matter how sincere, can a basis be established which will satisfy a majority and will remain constant and protect us from unscrupulous leaders? It is impossible. If values are allowed to float and change with every human whim, there would be chaos.  We see that now.

Our founders knew this and, even those who were not particularly religious, recognized the wisdom of religious principles which were a guide for civilized coexistence. They knew that tyrants of all stripes would raise their heads sooner or later and corrupt the freedoms they espoused.  To prevent this, they acknowledged that these freedoms came from an authority which was untouchable, incorruptible, unchanging and not from man himself. Those who would have us believe otherwise are dangerous to freedom because they look to changing the rules to empower themselves. These are the potential tyrants.

Beware of the demagogues who will lure us into believing they are for us with gifts from the treasury, tempting man's selfish nature. In the end, these will enslave us and the gifts will cease because there is not enough treasure. As we revolt against the loss of the gifts, tyrants must use force to control us and the freedoms we were guaranteed will be crushed.

If we reject the supreme authority of some source which is not man himself, man will fill the void and all hope for a stable, lasting type of government and freedom itself will be lost.

Sunday, June 7, 2015


When we lose someone, they leave memories behind

Like a carousel, they go round and round in our mind

But, like a book, there are many chapters in our past

Don't re-read each chapter, you'll never get to read the last

Friday, June 5, 2015


Western cultures live in the here and now.  Rarely are our policies geared to handle more than a few years at a time.  Sometimes that's OK but looking ahead fifty, a hundred or even hundreds of years into the future is not our strong point.

More than any other consideration, especially short term benefits, any policy should consider the long term impact it will have in preserving and protecting the free Republic for future generations.  In just a few hundred years we have created the greatest nation in man's history yet just a few generations it has fallen into the same trap that doomed other great countries and empires, that is, selfishness. Are we going to become a flash-in-the pan success?  Will we still be here in a thousand years and what will we look like?

Sometimes, conditions arise that seem to call for immediate, drastic measures to confront danger or catastrophes.  We say it would be inhumane to ignore them, so we act. The morality of decisions made and actions taken under these circumstances can be argued from several points of view, namely, is it more moral to save those now at the expense of those who follow us or should we accept this calamity for the sake of those who follow?  Is it worth the sacrifice to preserve the Republic.  Our defense forces bet their lives on the latter.   The old "life boat dilemma" asks the same question. The ship is sinking, all the life boats are in the water and filled to dangerous limits but there are still people in the water. Do you let more people into the boat and risk everyone perishing or do you save those who are already in the boat?

Is it possible that we are selfish enough to want everything now at the risk of letting future Americans drown in debt with an eventual collapse of the Republic?

Sunday, May 10, 2015


She was not just another "pretty face"

She was fun, loving and full of grace

A wife and mother with limitless love

Now, she guards her children from above.

Love you "Mommy".

Friday, April 17, 2015


Life is a condition, not an age. If we allow ourselves to define life by how old it is, then the definition can fluctuate for social needs. For example, if we decided we could balance our national budget by refusing medical care for EVERYONE over 70 years old, would that be OK with you?  I'm certain it would not but we set a precedent when we decide that WE can decide a life which is an instant old has no value. The life's age or condition which we decide is less valuable than others allows for selective termination of life or "benevolent neglect".

A new life is the same and has equal value as life at any other age.  A new life has no responsibility in its origin and bears no blame or guilt. No matter what the circumstances of its origin, since it itself is blameless, each has the same rights.  To treat them any differently would be discriminatory. The irresponsible parents who conceive a life they do not want are guilty on all counts.  Our society has decided that the ones who are guilty can punish the innocent by depriving it of life while they themselves escape any blame or punishment. This defies common sense and, for that matter, sanity.

What would be a suitable punishment for for the carelessness of the parents? Not life in prison without parole but nine months of their time, followed by an adoption.  That is a pretty insignificant punishment for the guilty, especially when we compare it to the capital punishment of the innocent.

Monday, April 13, 2015


Just as our external senses, consciously and sub-consciously. inform our brains about the world outside our bodies, we have discrete internal sensors which feed incessant information to those specific parts of our brain which will initiate the proper response in proportion to the intensity of the request.  A simplified example of this is the response by muscles when lifting a load.  The response for picking up a towel from the floor is precise for that action just as the response for lifting a heavier load until the demand exceeds the muscles' ability to respond.

 In the example above, perfect performance of the sensors, receptors and the nerves conducting the information requires that each component be functioning within normal specifications. On all the electronic gadgets we have, a bad connection renders them useless.  The same is true of our bodies, EXCEPT, since the body is a living thing, it can adapt and compensate up to a point.

Compensation allows us to function but in an abnormal way.  There is a price.  Extended periods of compensation becomes the "new normal" and wear and tear are accelerated.  It won't, in most cases, kill you on the spot but it can sometimes make life more difficult as we age.  Those parts compelled to do things in a way they were not designed to do, and those parts which were intended to do that work both suffer, one from overuse and the other from under use and atrophy. Just as bad intelligence about potential enemies will cause our government to respond incorrectly, bad intelligence to the brain from the body gets a bad response.

Given all the external good stuff we should do for our bodies, the two way communication system, incoming and outgoing, the nerves, will take care of the rest.  Chiropractors try to make that happen.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


I close my eyes and you are there

I feel your warmth. stroke your hair

Your eyes tell me that you love me still

We'll be together again by God's will 

Thursday, April 9, 2015


The most difficult thing to do on  many complicated subjects is to explain them in simple language.   The health field is over crowded with "experts" of every kind and give advice from aromas, colors, nutrition, supplements, exercise and medicines.  There are probably some real and many perceived values in each of them, including the powerful placebo effect.

Chiropractic is the simplest, most direct and logical approach to health by positioning the body to be in the best receptive condition to use all these external aids and necessities to promote and maintain health.  Any amount or type of external applications are only as effective as the body's ability to use them.  If all the systems of the body are functioning to the best of their intended purpose, that body will enjoy its maximum potential health. That is chiropractic's goal.

How does Chiropractic do that? Modern technology mimics the human brain and nervous system, even in its failures.  If any component fails, all functions related to that component will fail or malfunction.  In the body, even low grade interference between the brain and body systems, over time, will degrade the function and integrity of the parts supplied.  Keeping those communications "open" allows optimum conditions for healthy functioning now and for a longer period of time.  The question remains, "How does Chiropractic do that?

The many causes for abnormal nerve function run from defects, injury, inflammation, infection, toxins  and poor nutrition.  Each is capable of either obliterating or distorting the signals from the brain.  In examining the pathways of the nerves, we look for sites where they become most vulnerable to external, physical causes which can influence  nerve function.

The skull protects our brain and the bony spinal column protects our spinal cord which contains all the nerve fibers leaving the brain, except for the cranial nerves.  In descending through the column, nerves exit the bony column, between pairs of bones (vertebrae), at the level of structures those nerves supply.  It is this exit point where nerves are susceptible to acute or chronic irritation by compression, stretching and inflammation caused by the irritation.  For a variety of reasons, the exit opening which accommodates the nerves is distorted and becomes fixed in an abnormal position and motion, or lack of motion, and the nerves are compromised (subluxation),  In most cases, the muscle spasms associated with or without back pain are a reaction to immobilize the part (splinting action) rather than a cause of the pain.

Identifying and correcting these immobile, subluxated sites is called an "adjustment". Restoring and maintaining the mobility of these restores normal nerve function, by normalizing the size and shape of the nerve exit, allowing natural processes to be reestablished.

Monday, March 23, 2015


Spring has sprung

Ah, to be young

My "fancy" turns too

But alas, no can do

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


You' ve  heard it said that "everything is relative".  Is it? Relatively speaking, it depends. Confused yet?

Relativity can be used in argument of many things, but I will say up front, without discussing them, that some truths are NOT relative but absolute.

In our effort to protect our citizens from harm at the hands of terrorists, we pound our chest and design powerful ways to detect and prevent terror attacks.  We leave no opening for danger, we think.  In reality, no one knows whether what we do accomplishes that mission because, as in treating disease, what is done in treatment prevents us from knowing what would have happened without the treatment.The question becomes, relative to the cost and effectiveness of what we do for "security", how many lives could we have saved with the same effort in other directions?

Think of the many ways people die or are killed every year by disease, for lack of prevention, care or mistakes; or by automobiles or criminals.  An argument could be made, in relative terms, that we could save more lives by concentrating on these than terrorists because it would take hundreds of terrorist attacks to equal the deaths from these causes.

This is not an argument against having security measures in place but the costs, the loss of privacy and the potential for blackmail have to be justified in some way.  To me, relatively speaking, if the goal is to save lives, the other measures I described would be a better way.  What do you think? 

Friday, March 6, 2015


When your future is much shorter than your past
You have the time to look back at your life at last
Things you remember most are not grand or excess
It's the ordinary things which brought us happiness

I miss all my ten precious, cuddly babies
Now grown into good men and fine ladies
I love them as much now as I did then
I just wish they were all babies again

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


I have had an ongoing discussion, maybe a debate, with a nephew of mine who is a good person although misguided.  I want to ask him and you this very important question, "Do you think you are an 'exceptional' person, that is, better than most others, or do you consider yourself just kind of 'average', that is just about like most of the rest of us?

Except for a few liars among you, I would guess most of you said, "about average".  Now, ask yourself how you got to be as successful, meaning able to care for yourself and those you care for, as you probably are?  Did you have special advantages or did you just comply with what you knew you had to do to become successful?  Did someone FORCE you to become successful or did you know you had to , to live in our society.  Did you have some special, different advantages from the kid next door or on the other side of town?  In most cases, I would guess not.

What am I getting at?  What is my point?  We knew because our parents went through the same thing and even if they didn't discuss it with us, we saw it.  On the other hand, if you have none or just one parent, and that parent does not work. what are you going to learn?  How to survive without working?

As I asked before, "Are you exceptional" or is your success something ANYONE, not handicapped in some way, can achieve?


"Now" is forever, not just this time and place

What we do and say today, we cannot erase

We can deny it, edit it, apologize if need be 

Once said or done, it will remain in our history

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


We all have had the experience of interacting with people we have never seen, either on the radio, phone, e-mail or mail.  Those of us who witnessed the beginning of TV remember how surprised, even shocked, we were when we saw many radio personalities on TV for the first time.  Without knowing it, we had imagined the people behind the voices in some way, usually quite differently from what we now could see.  What does this mean?

Too often, when dealing face to face with others, our impressions are biased by what we see.  We no longer "see" the person, we see their physical body hiding the person.  This impression colors our judgement and more often than not, deceives us. We are also frequently misled by their attire, occupation and financial condition.  Character and personality have nothing to do with any of these.

Complete objectivity is difficult to achieve but when judging people, the narrowest range of subjectivity should be applied.  No matter the size, shape, beauty or homeliness, the person within may become your best friend or life companion.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


I am one of those who believes that informed PARENTS have the right to choose to fully vaccinate, selectively vaccinate or NOT vaccinate.  Either way, whatever choice is made, they, the parents, will be living with any bad outcome while their doctor will go on playing golf.  Any guilt for harm or death resulting from either choice will be on the parents.  The doctor and the vaccine manufacturers will continue their lives as though nothing happened.  There is NO downside or guilt for their action, no fear of being sued.

Congressional hearings and current law suits into allegations of fraudulent "research" by the manufacturers will show the duration and extent of the fraud and hopefully pull the curtain back from murky connections among the makers, FDA and CDC.  These frauds could not have taken place without their knowledge unless they are completely incompetent.

Let's hope that this will return some kind of integrity to medicine.   We need the good stuff they do but some have forgotten the "do no harm" part.  "When in doubt, leave it out".

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


The biblical account of the "Fallen Angel", the Devil, is, in some ways analogous with the story of humans.  The Devil's punishment for defying God was banishment to a place where he had the authority over humans who, like himself, defied and challenged the ultimate authority of God. Apparently, the Devil, was never contrite and refused God's forgiveness, like so many humans.

I don't know why, and I am not sure the catechism's explanation is complete, God created man.  He had created what you would think would be perfect beings, Angels, yet, some disobeyed and rebelled against Him.  What He had in mind when He created less perfect beings is hard to even guess at.  Perhaps he thought that unlike the Angels, who existed before there was a Hell and could not imagine their punishment, humans would, knowing there would be consequences,  be better behaved and live by his standards, much like we give our children a set of rules. which he gave us through Moses and reenforced by Christ.  Was He ever wrong. Probably the only mistake He ever made.

Like the Angels, we have a free will to choose how we will live.  We can choose to be good or bad but He knew we would sometimes make the wrong choice but immediately would want to take it back, so he gave us a way to erase it if we were really sorry and would sincerely try to not repeat it.

To show His sincerity, He offered Himself, through His Son ( Somebody had to watch the store), to show us how much he wanted us to succeed and join Him in Heaven some day.  Through His sacrifice in allowing Himself to be crucified because of the things he taught us, He showed us that He meant what he had preached and wanted us to defend them to the same extent. He gave us a way to become "clean" again,  We must be a real disappointment to Him.  Those thousands of Christians who are being slaughtered in the Middle East show more courage in defending their faith than most western Christians who have succumbed to materialistic secularism.  "After all", we justify, "it is 2015".  The rules haven't changed.

Easter reminds us that even though we are all sinners, we can be redeemed because of Christ's love for us and can some day rise with Him to our Father in Heaven.

Sunday, February 15, 2015


With most of the controversies we have going on, the missing element in the arguments is, in the trite phrase, "Where I'm coming from".

I read a very true description of why sometimes politicians, and even real people, seem to flip-flop on some issues.The story goes something like this.  I don't remember it verbatim.

A voter once asked a politician what his position was on alcohol.  He paused, blew his nose, to have time to think, and began, "Madam, If you are speaking of that elixir that warms men's hearts and bodies on a cold winter day and encourages friendly conversation and joviality, then I'm for it.  But, on the other hand, if you are talking about that devil's potion which causes a man to brawl and cuss, to stumble home in a stupor and abuse his wife and children, then I'm against it".

That is the world of politics.  So, if you hear a politician who seems to flip-flop on an issue, it is because the premise depends on the questioner and the answer must be framed on that premise.

Saturday, February 14, 2015


I wish I could kiss you just once more

Walk hand in hand as we did before

Lie down together at the end of the day

And I wish it could forever be that way.

Friday, February 13, 2015


In his remarks, Obama tried to equate the Christian Crusades with the brutal, savage actions of Islamic terrorists.  The man knows nothing about reality or proportion.The obvious differences can be summed up in a few words.

Christians who behave badly are VIOLATING Christian values and teachings.  They, unless they repent and ask for forgiveness, will be punished in their afterlife.  Muslims who behave badly are FOLLOWING Muslim values and teachings and will be REWARDED for their brutality in their afterlife.

The differences could not be more stark than that.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


From the beginning, most science has been less than perfect, which, incidentally, makes it not "science" but just "science like" or "scientific".  Thousands of "scientific" beliefs have been discarded over the centuries.  There is no reason to believe many of today's scientific beliefs will not follow suit.  Mathematics is probably the only true science, that is, the solution and results of a problem are ALWAYS the same.  Anything less only mimics science in its approach to solving a problem.

The raging debate over vaccination invokes "science" on both sides.  Each has credible evidence to prove their point.  Who are we to believe and why?

To believe something, we have to look beyond the "truth" of the facts presented by each side because each will report only those which prove their side.  We have to look at motive and who benefits from each position.  In the case of vaccination, the science of the producers and advocates of vaccines  is used for some dubious health benefit and profit.  Those who oppose vaccinations profit in no way except, in their eyes, they are protecting the health of their children by avoiding toxic vaccinations and exercising free choice.

One of the more serious charge against vaccination is that it may cause autism which has increased in prevalence, apparently side by side with the increase of vaccinations.  The vaccine supporters deny any relationship between the two, using "scientific" studies to disprove the claim.  A better way to disprove it would be to find out what else may be responsible for the sudden explosion of autism which has reached rates beyond epidemic and affect peoples' life forever.... not just a case of measles.

No one should take the word of someone else about the safety and effectiveness of a vaccine without reading the insert, which you usually do not get to see, and know the ingredients and POSSIBLE side effects and understand that each of those actually happened to someone or it would not be listed.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


All the experts are telling us that the war on terror will be a long term project.  I'm sure they think this because there are thousands of terrorists scattered all over the world and it would be difficult to find them all and get rid of them.  This is not a war where it is wise to take prisoners, except for intelligence purposes, because when they are released, most will revert to fighting us. There  is a simple plan which I believe would solve the problem quickly.

All the tentacles are formed and financed  from the head.  Cut off the head and the tentacles will die.

Let the world know, especially the Muslim nations, that any act of terror against the USA in which we can determine the country or countries involved in supporting and financing of the people involved, will have their Capitol and all their mosques destroyed and do it JUST ONCE.  If that doesn't get their attention, nothing will.  As long as there are no consequences for their support and collaboration, they will continue their jihad.  It is their duty.

Friday, October 10, 2014


What is patriotism and who are patriots?  Too often when we speak of patriots we visualize a military figure,  burdened with a heavy pack, with bombs bursting around him and firing an automatic weapon at the enemy.  There can be no doubt they are patriots and heroes.  But, they are not the only patriots.

Patriots believe our Constitution is the basis of our freedom and that defending it is worth dying for.  But how can a patriot do that unless they know and understand the Constitution.  How can we judge if those we entrust in government are adhering faithfully to its intent if we do not know its content?  A real patriot knows what his country stands for and will fight his own government, if necessary, which may violate it as well as a foreign enemy who would deprive him of it.

While there are brave men and women who will risk their lives for our country, we also need men and women on the home front who will keep our government in check and not allow them to assume authority they do no possess.  What good do our soldiers do if we don't preserve the things they risk their lives for.   A patriot does not always support those who are in office, instead, they do their best to keep them in check.. People in politics almost inevitably become corrupted in some way if they remain in office long enough.  The system invites corruption so we must remain informed at all times.

Good government is in the hands of the people.  The "they are all the same" mantra is not accurate.  Most people who enter politics, I believe, enter with good intentions but, given enough time, they do become "all the same".  The solution is simple.  Don't give them "enough time" to be corrupted.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


If, by lack of interest, information or neglect, our freedom is lost

Rotting in the inside, collapsing on itself, before we know the cost

Their will be no one else that any of us can truthfully blame

For those who follow, we who just stood by will equally bear the shame.

Friday, September 26, 2014


In time, what was our future will become our past

Those memories will be a part of us until the last

When we are older and recall what we have done

We can only hope our dreams and deeds were one

Monday, September 1, 2014


Alone on the deck in the dark, with cigar in hand

Wondering what happened to our God blessed land

Seems too many have forgotten from where we came

To restore our country, all we need do is call His Name

Friday, August 15, 2014


We've heard the expression "The pen is mightier than the sword".  Most of us take it in a good way, that is we don't have to resort to violence to make a point, rather, achieve a goal with persuasion and argument with words.  However, the sword of words can be used for evil purposes as well.

We have a President who uses both the pen and his phone as swords.  He came into power on the power of words but words which were lies and false promises.  Words alone cannot persuade the unpersuadible. The reader or listener must be disposed to accept the words as truths.  This, in this case, was to convince people they are the victims of a system which enriched some while others remained in poverty and that those responsible should share their wealth with them.  Those who accepted that claim had a selfish disposition, believing they had a right to a share of that wealth simply because they were not as rich and it was the fault of the wealthy.  This is the premier tactic of the demagogue.

Demagogues make excessive promises to the masses and divide people on the hatred by the majority poor against the minority rich.  Like a Ponzi scheme, this works for awhile, while new investors are available, and in this case, there are enough rich people, but when either are depleted or gone, the scheme falls apart.  Then, when the false promises made can no longer be fulfilled and the "masses" turn on the demagogue, he must use violence to control them.  This is the birth of tyranny.

Thursday, June 19, 2014


A baby's  birth is a miraculous thing

Heaven's bells chyme and angels sing

They bring to us a love like no other

God gave the honor to those we call Mother.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


You tell me, who are the real bullies.  I think the biggest bullies are those who misuse their authority to intimidate or punish others.  This definition automatically incriminates government as the biggest bully. We've all heard the stories of children being punished for just playing typical, harmless games.  Those who approve and conduct that punishment are bullies.

Judge this story: In a math class, the teacher presents a problem in which the answer is "zero".  One of the students, with the correct answer, answers, "Zero, just like 'so and so's' (enter a friend's name) batting average".  Is that bullying?

Without knowing who reported it to the school principal, it is hard for me to identify the small minded, adult jackass who asked for punishment for this kid.  I also believe the principal acted the way he did because he is a victim of bullying at the hands of the politically correct crowd and fear of litigation.


Tuesday, May 20, 2014


It has been a year since I lost my love and friend

But we knew that our life on Earth would someday end

But that we would be born again in a different place

Where we would be eternally joined by God's grace

Thursday, May 15, 2014


The theory of evolution, as applied to man, has no reason in explaining man's origin..  It begins at a point in time when things already existed.  Since something had to evolve, there must first be an explanation for the origin of the thing which evolved.

First causes in every aspect of reason leads to the conclusion that the very first cause is a self sustaining, non-material, preexisting force.  Naming that force is up to you.  Some insist there is a conflict between the two concepts, all I can say is that the beliefs are actually complementary with evolution building upon the creation.

Observation and a study of earth's history tells us that nothing of a material nature remains the same.  Change is the essence of existence.  Without it, all things would perish.  Living things must adapt to changes around them or die.  Evolution is triggered by a need to change in order to survive.

To teach evolution, as it relates to man, as the "origin" of man is deceptive when it fails to include the fact that all things could not exist, since science tells us something cannot come from nothing, unless some non-material thing created it.

There is another obstacle to the theory of evolution.  Only living things evolve. Since matter which never possessed life has no method of reproduction, all that non-living matter in our universe, and any other which may exist,  had to have come into existence at the same instant it time.


Debating is a civilized way of arguing.  If there are substantial differences between the two sides, in my book, that calls for an argument.  That means you don't have to wait your turn to speak---just jump right in before you forget what you wanted to say.

The purpose in debating is to impress the judges so you win the debate.  In arguing, the purpose is to drive your opponent into the ground and if, in the end, he still doesn't agree with your position, kick or punch him.

Debating requires following certain rules, much like a sport,   When arguing, there is no finessing a point.  It is much like a street brawl.  Voices are raised, veins swell in the neck and fists are clenched.  Most arguments end peacefully with neither side having been persuaded by the other but not with the smile and handshake required by debates.  As soon as your opponent in an argument turns his back, you give him the infamous finger salute.

Debates are planned, rehearsed.  The speaker has had time to research, plan and practice every word he will utter.  He has analyzed what the rebuttal could be to his presentation.  In other words, he is loaded for bear.  The "argument", on the other hand, is spontaneous, no preparation and requires "thinking on your feet", like a sword fight.  Finding just the right word or point in an argument is an achievement compared to the consultation and research of the debater.

A brief argument is superior to a five mile run in the park for your heart.   A failed argument leads you to learning new, better words, pejoratives and profanity.  Overall, arguments are good things.

Sunday, February 2, 2014


If anyone who is spying on this blog cares, I use Costco paper towels and toilet tissue.  Does that make me a bad person?

Monday, January 27, 2014


We see so many people every day about whom we know nothing.  Most are just like us, just trying to get by, often treading water.  Unless you are a little strange, as I am, you seldom wonder what their personal lives are like.  When couples go by, do you wonder if they are happy, deeply in love or just "used to each other"?  Most look like they don't even belong together, but once in awhile, the perfect match goes by.

Last Saturday, I witnessed what had to be the most perfect joining of two people in matrimony that you could hope for.  Sometimes you can "see" love and at other times you can "feel" it but rarely do all your senses absorb perfect love.  Trish and Vicente were the Valentine you see with a giant red heart as the background for two lovers.

Sometimes the reality and harshness of life dulls the emotions and we have to remind ourselves of this moment of perfect joy.  The words we utter and the heartfelt promises we make are forgotten and overshadowed by what are, in the end, unimportant.  It's not enough to say "I love you" now and then, or sometimes never again.  Love can be expressed in many ways, but if the words are not spoken, doubts can creep in.  Most men are familiar with the question from their wives, "Do you really love me?"

So, my only advice to these lovebirds is to make sure that not ONE day ever goes by without expressing your love for the other with the words, "I love you!".

Monday, December 23, 2013


When government policies are supported by the "greater good" argument, the implication is that the minority, which are excluded from the GREATER GOOD, become losers..  Since there will be losers, it seems appropriate to provide some cover for those who are left out.  Any arbitrary compulsion should be, and usually are, considered unlawful.

Right now, there is a heated and effective discussion going on concerning multiple, compulsory vaccinations beginning at the moment of birth.  There are INTERESTS which are promoting these which portray themselves as "protectors" when in reality, their conflict of interests, profits vs. "do gooders", disqualify them from being involved in the policy making.

It isn't always easy to provide options for the losers in "greater good" policies but in the case of compulsory vaccinations it is simple.  If I understand the theory behind vaccinations, they are to protect the vaccinated from certain diseases and/or conditions.  No matter where the vaccinated wanders, even into foreign countries or the wilderness, if they encounter the organism which causes the disease for which they have been vaccinated, they will NOT get sick.  I think that is what the theory claims.

In the compulsory scenario, the concept of the "lesser good" can be applied easily.  Those who do not want to be vaccinated should always have that choice, either completely or selectively.  This way, both sides of "the good" of the people are satisfied and no one is hurt or deprived of their choice.  Those wearing the coat of armor of vaccination need not fear those who are naked. 

The potential and real risks of vaccination are at least as well documented as anything which supports their use or effectiveness.  We should all have the right to choose whether to dive into the water before making sure it is deep enough to dive into safely.

Friday, December 6, 2013


Ross Perot was right.  Free trade has many good points but from the standpoint of jobs, it is a bummer.

While we proudly proclaim our freeing of slaves, we at the same time help promote it in third world countries.  American companies exported millions of jobs to countries in which workers are paid a mere pittance compared to what they were paying American workers.  Working conditions are as bad as the pay.  Free trade has promoted this by simply removing tariffs when these products are imported to the U. S.

While these policies lead to lower consumer prices for foreign goods,  they cost American jobs and create huge trade deficits for us with these countries, especially China.

Trade deficits cause large sums of money to leave our country.  They are dangerous when they are large and continue year after year.  I have a suggestion which would help solve this problem.

Countries which do substantial trade with us should have a quota for the value of goods entering our country duty free.  That number should be equal to the value of our exports to their country.  Once that number has been reached, tariffs should kick in.  To avoid paying this charge, they would have to allow us to export more to their country.  This way, there would always be a trade balance or the surplus on either side would be taxed.

We used to hear "free but fair" in the case of free trade.  There is nothing fair about the current system.  Not only are we  at a trade disadvantage, but we are helping to strengthen and arm a potential future enemy.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Insurance is a pooling of money to compensate some of the people for certain losses which are possible,  The probability of their occurring determines the number of claims which will be made and the risk the insurer faces.  The greater the probability, the less the arrangement is "insurance".  It can reach a point where the plan is really not "insurance" but a prepayment, almost a savings account, to pay for any claim. This is reflected in higher "premiums" because almost 100% of the "insured" will use the service(s) which are insured.

Obama is compelling people to pay to insure themselves for risks they do not face.  There is ZERO possibility that they would ever need some services for which they are "insured".  It cannot be called "insurance".  It must be called extortion since they could NEVER benefit from it.  It can't be called a "premium" or a "tax".  It is extortion by deception.

Obama could have achieved his stated goal of insuring the uninsured by leaving all else in place, including Medicaid, and subsidizing private policies for the working poor.  It was never about insuring the poor.  It was about controlling as many people as possible by holding their very lives in the government's hands.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


What we are and what we will be

Depend mostly on you and me

The branches of the liberty tree

Are heavy with choices, if we can see.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Have you ever wondered what world history would have been like if there had been no Christmas, no baby Jesus?  Have you ever wondered what American history would have been like or even if there would have been an America if not for the desire of religious freedom?  We know what pre-Christ history was like but trying to imagine how the world would have progressed without Christ's influence is a challenge.

Much of western history, the good and the bad, revolves around Christianity.  What would have stood in its place and how would history have been different?  What would the world be like today?

We don't have to stretch our imaginations too far.  We are creating a history which will be similar to what it may have been.  The weakening of the practice of Christian principles is responsible for much of the problems we face today.  Even though none of us is perfect, without the guidance of Christ's teachings, we would be much worse.  Without His constant reminders about what we should do and be, we would drift into behaviors that would frighten the Devil himself.  We are heading in that direction.

On Christmas, we rejoice for many reasons.  One of the most important is the plan for people to live together in peace and harmony and a reason to do just that.

Monday, November 11, 2013


We have many holidays which we dedicate to some memorable person or event.  Memorial Day.  Mothers' and Fathers' days, the Fourth of July, 9/11, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving and finally, CHRISTMAS DAY.  Somehow, the full meaning of most of them has been lost to younger generations because no one tells them about the reasons why we celebrate them.  To them, it is a day off from school or a day at the Mall or movies.

There are those too, who purposely attempt to obscure the significance of these holidays.  Now, why would anyone do that?  These ne'er do wells, want to bring us down to mediocrity because "it's not fair" to be "exceptional".  We ARE exceptional because we ARE fair.  Everyone has a chance to excel in whatever field they want to.

We need these "memorial days"  so we do not forget what got us to where we are.  We remember the good and the bad.  We remember most those brave souls who built and protect this country of ours.

Sunday, November 10, 2013


In recent years we have heard about "wars" on just about anything and anybody as though any objection to something constituted anything like a real war.  In war, people get hurt and many die.  Some fight because they have to and others because they believe in a cause.  "Wars" which do not have victory as their goal are not wars but someone's ego at work.

There is a real war going on in the USA today which half the country does not acknowledge.  That is, the war on freedom.  The casualties have been enormous but they are not strewn on the ground, they are, instead, suffering untold hardships, enduring the theft of their freedom, compelled to do things which violate their personal beliefs and to participate in their own demise.

The founders had experienced these same indignities and decided enough was enough.  Against all odds, they decided to put an end to it or die trying.  Their sacrifices and success was their gift to us.  They also knew that once won, freedom would have to be protected almost on a daily basis because villains would probe for ways to steal it away.  The Constitution gave the people a way to protect themselves from despots, but ONLY IF THEY ENFORCED IT.  Those who casually dismiss the violation of its provisions don't appreciate the incremental loss of this and that freedom.  When it is "too late" to stop it peacefully, what alternatives will there be but to submit or fight?

Don't wait until it is "too late" to do this peacefully.

Friday, November 8, 2013


Once again, we have to remind ourselves that one man, the most unlikely man, is responsible for the healthcare dilemma we are facing and that is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Roberts.  This intelligent, conservative mind found the flimsiest of reasons to declare the ACA to be constitutional.  If, as reported, he did this so the Court would not appear to be political, he failed.  His act was political.

We have heard so much about the extensive, all inclusive spying the NSA has been conducting for years.  It's victims have included legislators and judges.  It is obvious that this places many of these people in a position for scandalous information about them to be collected by partisan officials and used to blackmail them.  Whether or not this is the case here remains to be seen.  When a person does something so out of character, suspicions do arise.

Added to this speculation is the certain knowledge that Obama and his ego-maniacal tendencies and his connections with the ruthless Chicago political machine make him capable of something like blackmail.  This is another reason the NSA should be dismantled.  Whatever benefit it may provide for detecting terrorist activities, it is offset in spades with the damage and danger of a despot who would use this information to control the legislative and judicial branches of our government.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Rarely do tyrants appear on the scene as victorious conquerors.  Instead, they use lies, and false promises about a utopia they will provide.  As the old saying goes, "Tell them what they want to hear."

But the strategy requires complete loyalty to the tyrant.  This means any religious loyalties must be subdued initially and finally eliminated.  Along the way, tyrants have to convince people that certain things are necessary so that he can protect them.  The means to fight back, guns, must also be demonized as instruments of crime.

In the beginning, the bloodless conquest is seen as demagoguery.  Take care of the masses by stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.  Make the masses dependent upon the demagogue for as much of their necessities as possible.  Once these goals are achieved, the people have been enslaved with no other way to survive, they will surrender all their independence.

In the end, when the tyrant's means of supporting the masses have been depleted or destroyed,  the masses will rebel, risking life and limb, against the tyrant, who will, of course, squash the defenseless, unarmed rebels.  This is where the tyranny begins in full bloom.  No longer able to control the people with "gifts", he must now use brute force.

And now, you know how the story ends.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


All over the world, including the USA, Christians are under attack.  Who do you suppose funds the attackers?  WE DO!

In the United States, the bulk of the tax money paid to governments at all levels comes from Christians and Jews.  Our government uses that money to attack us here at home and supplies money to foreign Christian and Jew haters and killers.

I've said often that our enemies, foreign and domestic, use the very freedoms we cherish as weapons against us. When minorities of all kinds can impose their will on the majority, there is going to be chaos.  This injustice to the majority defies common sense.  Because it does defy common sense, we must conclude that those who permit, no, require, the majority to submit to minorities, either lack common sense or agree with these practices.

We have few options to fight back. Outright warfare is not realistic but the withholding of the monetary resources is.  If Christians and Jews refused to pay taxes, a tax rebellion, someone might pay attention. It has become obvious that appealing to government to protect our rights is futile but we must act or submit to further persecution.  Which do you choose?

Monday, October 28, 2013


Long ago, right where you are standing. young boys would play baseball from dawn 'til dark
It was just a vacant field, not even a park.

Now there are buildings, dumpsters and cars.  The boys no longer play here.  Even the houses they lived in are gone.

The children would walk, ride bikes or skate all around town.  There was never a worry that they would come to any harm.

Things are different now.  Not better but different.  When they do play, someone tells them what to do.  But few do anything but play "make believe" games on machines. Some even have make believe friends that they never see. They can't go anywhere alone because it is too dangerous.

The good old days were good for friendships.  We were always together, usually playing outside.  It was a good way to get to know each other.