Tuesday, February 23, 2016


I am certain that the founders had anticipated all the ways they believed a tyrant could subvert the Constitution.  They believed that by having the Senate approve of cabinet members who the President nominated, the Cabinet would not be stacked against the people and their rights.  We have seen in the past, several times when a President was able to stack the Court AND the Justice Department with willing accomplices, a condition which threatens the foundation of any free nation.

At this time, with the death of Justice Scalia, a staunch defender of the Constitution, there is an opportunity for the anti-Constitution President to try to replace him with an anti-Constitution judge.  The Senate MUST resist and prevent this imbalance to take place. Another Liberal, anti-Constitution Judge on the Court would be the death knell of freedom. A string of unconstitutional precedents, which are difficult to reverse, would become the law of the land.

As with any danger, whether our health or our freedom, PREVENTION trumps treatment every time.

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