Friday, September 18, 2015


A few years ago, our foursome was playing golf at a local course. There was a group in front of us that was playing as though they were in the US Open, SLOW!! They had the whole course backed up.

As we made the turn to the tenth hole, we passed the starters booth and asked if he would do something about them. He hopped into a cart and drove up to the top of the hill to check them on the tenth fairway. He looked and came back and asked me, " John, let me ask you a hypothetical question.  If someone had just given you a $50 tip, would you go yell at them?"

This is the same thing we face with our politicians and our media. They all rely so heavily on special interest money and support that issues concerning them are resolved for their benefit and not ours or our country's.

One of the worst offenders, because they provide, in one way or another, huge sums of money and "gifts" toward campaigns and advertising that they can make anything happen that they want to. Right now, it is clear from the amount of law suits against drug companies that the FDA has approved many harmful drugs and the CDC and Organized Medicine use the bought "approval" to cover their butts..  There is apparently enough profit to pay all claims and have plenty left over.

The current push for universal, world wide, mandatory vaccinations for anything which has or will soon have vaccines is on the front burner and everyone is on the bandwagon for a piece of the pie.  The media and organized Medicine are on a blitz to force us all to be vaccinated for anything they can come up with. Few of them are brave enough to fight these ruthless, criminal vultures who profit from the mayhem. Just imagine, BILLIONS of people vaccinated for MULTIPLE diseases for large fees and you can see why they are so powerful.

Don't give up your right to say YES or NO to any or all of them. It's your body, and YOUR CHILDREN'S. Don't let ANYONE force you to accept them.

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