Monday, April 13, 2015


Just as our external senses, consciously and sub-consciously. inform our brains about the world outside our bodies, we have discrete internal sensors which feed incessant information to those specific parts of our brain which will initiate the proper response in proportion to the intensity of the request.  A simplified example of this is the response by muscles when lifting a load.  The response for picking up a towel from the floor is precise for that action just as the response for lifting a heavier load until the demand exceeds the muscles' ability to respond.

 In the example above, perfect performance of the sensors, receptors and the nerves conducting the information requires that each component be functioning within normal specifications. On all the electronic gadgets we have, a bad connection renders them useless.  The same is true of our bodies, EXCEPT, since the body is a living thing, it can adapt and compensate up to a point.

Compensation allows us to function but in an abnormal way.  There is a price.  Extended periods of compensation becomes the "new normal" and wear and tear are accelerated.  It won't, in most cases, kill you on the spot but it can sometimes make life more difficult as we age.  Those parts compelled to do things in a way they were not designed to do, and those parts which were intended to do that work both suffer, one from overuse and the other from under use and atrophy. Just as bad intelligence about potential enemies will cause our government to respond incorrectly, bad intelligence to the brain from the body gets a bad response.

Given all the external good stuff we should do for our bodies, the two way communication system, incoming and outgoing, the nerves, will take care of the rest.  Chiropractors try to make that happen.

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