Friday, February 5, 2016


I am a slob of sorts. When I leave my house, things are not what some describe as " neat", but I know what is where and how to find it. When my loving children, especially my girls, show up at my house and I am not present, they feel the urge to "straighten up". This presents several problems for me.

First, I can't remember doing it myself so I wonder if that is a blank spot in my memory. Logic tells me it must be that OR, the alternative, I had a visit from my angels. The visit is always welcomed EXCEPT when they are doing their good deed, stuff disappears, never to be seen again. How could they know a slob rearranges things differently? Often it is appropriate to hang your trousers from a dresser drawer, like if you are going to wear them the next day and if a glass you used, rinsed out and left on the counter, is there for reuse.

Then there is "bringing in the mail". This kindness sometimes results in bills not being paid on time. If I don't bring it in, I don't know I had any. Angels are always appreciated but I wish they would keep their devilish hands off the senior man's stuff. I know where everything is and belongs.

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