Tuesday, January 26, 2016


When people flip-flop on issues or opinions, is that good or bad? Actually, we cannot know unless we know the reasons for the flip-flop. If it is because they find it expedient, that is wrong and that person deserves criticism. If, on the other hand, the flip is due to new or unknown information, that person is to be admired.

Few of us enjoy admitting we are or have been wrong. The flipper who flips is admitting his error, taking responsibility for being wrong and apologizing if the flip was due to new information or was due to having been persuaded that his perspective had been flawed, that shows character.  The option to change your mind, under these circumstances, also shows intelligence. Those who stick with a flawed position, even in the face of new information, will not admit they had been wrong and are pig headed fools.

As always, the nature of an act depends upon the motive behind it. The road to Hell is NOT paved with good intentions.

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