Sunday, July 5, 2015


It doesn't require much thought, intelligence or analysis to appreciate that most of our laws, with the exception of some recent "social" regulations and laws, parallel many of the admonishments of the Ten Commandments. Neither does it require much imagination to recognize that the common sense behind them could, if they had not come directly from God through Moses, have been conclusions ordinary men would have conceived.

If our laws say it is a crime to murder others, steal from them, spread nasty rumors about them and we consider it bad behavior to seduce anothers spouse or disrespect our parents, should we rescind all these because they are a reflection of the Commandments.  Is that institutionalizing Christianity? Are you offended by them?

My observation is that those who oppose Christian principles are primarily a population which wants to indulge in many of these forbidden behaviors without judgement or GUILT. They gleefully rejoice when Christians, especially prominent ones, fall from grace when they violate these principles and use this excuse to justify their behavior.  The flaw in their celebration is that Christianity is about forgiveness and the truly repentant can receive forgiveness if they ask for it.  In other words, Christianity IS for sinners, not Saints. It simply shows us a path to sainthood.

Anyone who rejects the concept of a Creator and a Christian way of life has no reason to abandon their animal instincts and that appears to be the goal.  Anything goes. Man made ethics cannot replace morals.  If you don't believe that, just remember even criminals and politicians have an ethical code.

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