Friday, January 5, 2018


There are too many people living alone because they lost a spouse and believe it would be disloyal to their deceased partner to find a new one. Sometimes, it is because they mistakenly believe that of the billions of people on Earth, only ONE was meant for them. That cannot be true.

If one chooses to be alone, that's OK but otherwise new friendships help two people who would otherwise be lonely. Divorced people are almost always expected to find a new partner but if a widow or widower does the same thing, it is scandalous. Why?

I have been fortunate enough to have two chances at love. My wife of 66 years was someone special in so many ways. That person could not be duplicated but there were others out there somewhere who, with their own attributes could also be loved. Different people, same love. I found one, rather we found each other, and for too short a time we were in love and happy.

I will always be grateful for the time we had together. Rest in peace, Pauline.

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