Saturday, February 25, 2017


I can say with expert authority that, with few exceptions, no matter the issue, "experts" can be found to support two or more positions.  Think about it. This reality is the evidence which proves that any layman's opinion stands a reasonable chance of being correct. In the case of Donald Trump's election, millions of laymen were more correct than thousands of political experts.

"Experts" all have agenda's to promote their opinions, right or wrong. Intelligent people who look at the same facts should come to the same conclusion. When they don't we have to ask why not. There are several distinct possibilities, either they are not as smart as  they think they  are or they are using or interpreting the same facts differently or using different facts.

When an "expert" offers an opinion without citing the underlying facts and his/her interpretation, we cannot accept it as having any more weight than a layman's opinion.

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