Tuesday, July 26, 2016


If you were one of the few people who watched the Democrat Convention last night, you heard the testimony of the speakers detailing what is wrong which they want to fix.  It was a litany of the failures of the past eight years. Guess who has been running the show.  If you watch any more of this, keep a puke bucket handy.

Trump is not exactly a charmer but he is the kind of guy who can get things done. His successes did not come just from his own talents but his ability to choose executives who he knew could do things successfully, those he interviewed but did NOT "FIRE". The contrast between Obama and Trump lies in Obama's refusal to listen to his advisors because "HE ALWAYS KNOWS BETTER". No one person, on his own, will ever be able to govern this, or any other, nation.  Those who can assemble a group of people whose advice they respect, is a true leader.

When Donald Trump becomes POTUS, he will unleash a tidal wave of business activity which will bring millions of people back into the taxpayer category, increasing government revenue and decreasing the costs of the dependency category.

When this happens, I will try my best to not say "I told you so."


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