Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Being a futuristic kind of guy, I have begun to wonder how robotic "people" will be viewed by humans and how the robots will view humans. What will the relationship be? Will the robots be slaves and humans their master or will robots be more intelligent than most humans and direct their every activity by selecting the best option. Will the robot's owner brag about how much smarter their robot is than the guy's down the street? Will there be discrimination among the robots themselves, some being sleeker than others? Whatever colors they are may lead to color discrimination with dire consequences. While the Congress has been idle, they should have been developing guidelines for qualifications, licensing, constitutional rights robots may enjoy and those kinds of issues, Should they be able to have weapons and should they be immune to drug laws? Serious stuff which will some day have to be done. If we don't act now, some day soon we may be faced with a revolution by robots demanding equal rights with humans.

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